Liposuction Price In Hyderabad

What is Liposuction Surgery?

Liposuction is a popular cosmetic procedure designed to remove fat from specific areas of the body. A hollow instrument called a cannula is inserted under the skin, and a high-pressure vacuum is used to suction out the fat. Common areas treated include the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, neck, chin, upper arms, calves, and back.

Why/When is Liposuction Done?

Liposuction is an efficient method for removing stubborn fat that doesn’t respond to
diet or exercise. Commonly treated areas include:

  •  Abdomen
  •  Arms
  •  Buttocks
  •  Calves and ankles
  •  Chest and back
  •  Hips and thighs
  •  Neck
    Liposuction is also used to reduce breast size in both female and male patients.
Different Types of Liposuction Surgery
  • Tumescent Liposuction:
    Involves injecting several liters of a saline solution with a local anesthetic and a vasoconstrictor under the skin. The fat is then suctioned out through small tubes. This is the most common form of liposuction.
  •  Dry Liposuction:
    No fluid is injected before removing the fat. This method is rarely used today due to higher risks of bruising and bleeding.
  • Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction (UAL):
    Uses ultrasound to liquefy the fat before it is suctioned out. Suitable for fibrous areas like the male breast, back, and areas previously treated with liposuction.
  •  Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAS):
    Utilizes a specialized cannula with a mechanized system that moves rapidly back-and-forth, making it easier for the surgeon to remove fat.
  •  Lipofilling:
    Also known as fat transfer or surgical grafting, this technique uses your own fat cells to rejuvenate and restore volume to hollowed areas, often in combination with other procedures like facelifts and eyelid surgery.
Liposuction Surgery Process
  1.  Consultation:
    The process begins with a consultation where the surgeon assesses which areas of your body can be enhanced with liposuction. Your medical history and expectations will be reviewed to ensure the procedure is appropriate for you.
  2.  Preoperative Evaluation:
    Once liposuction is decided upon, routine tests will be conducted to confirm your readiness for surgery. Consent forms will be filled out, and you will receive detailed preparation instructions.
  3.  Liposuction Surgery:
    On the day of surgery, the areas to be treated will be marked while you are standing. You will receive general or local anaesthesia, and the procedure will commence. It may last several hours, depending on the number of areas treated and the amount of fat being removed.
  4. Post-Surgery:
    After surgery, you will be monitored in a recovery room. You may need to stay overnight if general anaesthesia was used.
  5. Recovery:
    Expect pain, swelling, and bruising after the procedure. Painkillers will be provided. Most patients can return to normal activities within a week and resume exercise and other physical activities after a month.
Liposuction Surgery

At Sculpt Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplant Center Hyderabad, Dr. Suma Sandhyala(M.S., M.Ch),Dr.Jagadish Kiran (M.S., M.Ch) experienced plastic surgeons offer a range of cosmetic procedures, including liposuction. To book an appointment with a Doctor and discuss your liposuction requirements, Please click The Appointment.

Common Questions

Typically, 2-3 areas can be treated at once, focusing on improving body shape rather than weight loss.

Risks include skin waviness, temporary fluid pockets, numbness, and potential skin infections. Standard surgical risks such as bleeding and anesthesia reactions also apply.

Scars are minimal due to the small 3-4 mm incisions made in hidden areas

Up to 12 lbs (about 5.5 kg) of fat can be safely removed in one session, but the goal is to shape the body, not significantly reduce weight.

No, liposuction is intended for contouring specific areas rather than overall weight loss.

Liposuction can sculpt your body if you are otherwise in good shape, but it cannot fix issues like a broad waist.

Results are generally long-lasting unless there are significant lifestyle or dietary changes. .

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